Concord Kids exists to partner with parents to lead children as they grow in a relationship with Jesus.

9:15AM Bible Study
10:30AM Children’s Worship

Awana 6:00PM – 7:00PM
AWANA helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Our programs offer a proven approach for evangelizing and discipling kids in the church and community. A night of Awana consist of handbook time, game time, and a large group lesson. Awana meets during the school year from 6:00PM – 7:00PM. Awana is for children ages Kindergarten – 5th grade. To register simply click link below.

Children's Music and Worship Arts
Our groups are age-graded and teach basic musical fundamentals along with age-appropriate spiritual truths. On Sunday nights during the school year, our Children’s Choir meets from 5:30PM – 6:30PM. Elementary age meets in SE103/104 and preschool meets in the Tree House.

Children's Worship
We offer two Children’s Worship Experiences on Sunday mornings from 10:30AM – 11:45AM. Tree House is designed for our 4 & 5 year olds and Brick House is for our 1st – 5th graders. Our goal is to meet kids where they are with relevant games, dramas, music, and of course God’s word! When they leave we hope that they will be able to apply the truths we have learned from the Bible that day to their lives and help them to grow in their relationship with Him. You can download the Parent Cue app to stay up to date with what is going on in worship!
Upward Basketball & Cheerleading
We love teaching kids about God, Basketball, and Cheerleading. Our Upward Basketball season usually opens up for registration at the end of September. Practices begin in late November, and games usually are played on Saturdays in January and February. All of our leagues are coed and grade based. League details are as follows:
- Kindergarten – 8 foot goal – 25.5 in ball
- 1st & 2nd Grade – 8 foot goal – 27.5 in ball
- 3rd & 4th Grade – 9 foot goal – 28.5 in ball
- 5th & 6th Grade – 10 foot goal – 28.5 in ball
Every practice there is a devotion along with halftime messages on gameday. If you would like some more information about the league email
Right now the only division that has openings is basketball is Kindergarten. You can use the link below to register for that division or cheerleading.