BS- Banking and Finance, Jacksonville State University

MDiv- The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

PhD- The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Don Cox came to be pastor at Concord in February, 2004. He has been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years. Concord is his third pastorate. He and his wife Jerijo have been married for 39 years, and they are the parents of four grown children. He served as Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1997-2004. He has also served as an adjunct professor for Samford University, Boyce College, and Anderson University. Dr. Cox is committed to the exposition of God’s Word, the evangelization of the lost, world missions, and the strengthening of the church to engage the culture at every level. Among his other writings he is the author of:

“The Great Commission and Social Ministries,” in The Challenge of the Great Commission: Essays on God’s Mandate for the Local Church, ed. Chuck Lawless and Thom S. Rainer. Pinnacle Publishers, 2005.

“The Forgotten Side of Church Discipline,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, 4, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 44-58.

Dissertation: “The Shifting Role of Formative Church Discipline in the Evangelistic Strategy of Southern Baptist Convention Churches, 1950-1995.” May 1999.

“Evangelism and the Mass Media,” In Evangelism in the Twenty-First Century,(with a foreword by Billy Graham). ed.Thom S. Rainer. Harold Shaw Publishers, 1989.